About Us
ASUTOSH ENTERPRISES LIMITED was incorporated on September 01, 1981.
The Share Capital of the Company consists of 22,41,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each and the same are listed at the Bombay Stock Exchange.
The Board of the Company comprises of Four (4) Directors who are eminent Professionals with experience and expertise from various fields of the Industry. A Brief Profile of each of the Board Members is given below:-
Having in-depth exposure to and involvement in steering diverse businesses and having wide experience and expertise in Overall Industry and Business Management
Having experience in Business Management and Multinational Market
B. Tech (Metallurgical)
Having experience in the Operations and Management of Engineering Industries (Including Foundry), vast experience and expertise in Marketing Management
Having experience in Finance and overall Business Administration
The Company is a Core Investment Company (CIC) in terms of RBI Directions and is exempted from registration under Section 451 A of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. In addition to it, the Company carries on the business of import and export and general trading activities.